These are general nakshatra prediction. For yearly predictions i will make a separate entry for nakshatra palankal (predictions) 2009. This applies to female nakshatra
1. Physical Features : She is beautiful. Her eyes are very attractive. She is of medium height and fair complexion
2. Character and general events : She is well behaved and well dressed. she shows a lot of pomp and show but at the same time she has a a very weak heart. Like the males, females born in Rohini, are also short tempered and invite troubles. She is practical, secretive and violent when instigated
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : She possess inherent aptitude for any work entrusted to her or done by her. She earns from oils, milk, hotels, paddy fields and as a dress maker. Middle level education is indicated for her
4. Family life : Her family life will be good. She will have the comfort of her husband and children in full. She must curb the tendency of stubbornness for a harmonial married life. She must avoid doubting her own husband as otherwise marriage may end in divorce
5. Health : Her health will generally be good. She will have pain in the legs and feet, pain in the breast, sometimes breast cancer, irregular menses and sore throat, pimples and swelling above the neck.
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